all postcodes in SN10 / DEVIZES

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN10 4AA 0 51.286979 -1.979416
SN10 4AB 0 51.288346 -1.980477
SN10 4AD 0 51.288994 -1.983574
SN10 4AF 2 51.286647 -1.9787
SN10 4AG 9 51.287793 -1.977085
SN10 4AH 0 51.287618 -1.979359
SN10 4AN 0 51.288364 -1.979473
SN10 4AP 0 51.289443 -1.97986
SN10 4AQ 2 51.289101 -1.975802
SN10 4AR 0 51.290522 -1.981021
SN10 4AS 0 51.290127 -1.981795
SN10 4AT 2 51.287735 -1.978341
SN10 4AY 0 51.286565 -1.97738
SN10 4AZ 0 51.288112 -1.975343
SN10 4BD 0 51.288386 -1.97459
SN10 4BE 0 51.28316 -1.999176
SN10 4BH 0 51.287418 -1.971099
SN10 4BJ 0 51.288633 -1.974798
SN10 4BL 0 51.288494 -1.973944
SN10 4BN 0 51.289568 -1.973636